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Author: Mr. Frank

Great Kiskadee

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OneĀ of my favorite pass times is to go out and take pictures of birds and things at the parks around Houston. It’s a lot easier said than done but I like the challenge. Today I got lucky and saw a bird that I hadn’t seen before. I first heard it’s call and then I was able to locateĀ him. It was a Great Kiskadee. Even though it’s not the greatest picture in the world, I like it because I was able to capture him. Once I do get a picture, I go home and look him up to see what it is. My next step is to go back now and try and find it again to get better pictures. For me it’s fun, something that I really enjoy.

Oh La La


We did a shoot in November and this is just one of the pictures from that shoot. We got so many good ones that it’s hard to choose which ones to display. This is just one of many that I like. Kris and I have worked on several shoots together so you’ll see her many times on here. I was trying to come up with a better background but this is what I came up with.

November Shoot with Kris


These are a few pictures from the shoot that we did earlier this month. Kris and I have shot together many times and I really enjoy working with her. This is just one of the outfits that we shot that day so I decided to put them in a gif . This is my first attempt at making a gif, I just wanted to try something different.

Trying to Change up my style

I feel like I’m in a rut so I’ve been trying to change up how I normally do things. I’m trying out some different photoshop techniques and hope to start trying different shooting techniques too.