One of my favorite pass times is to go out and take pictures of birds and things at the parks around Houston. It’s a lot easier said than done but I like the challenge. Today I got lucky and saw a bird that I hadn’t seen before. I first heard it’s call and then I was able to locate him. It was a Great Kiskadee. Even though it’s not the greatest picture in the world, I like it because I was able to capture him. Once I do get a picture, I go home and look him up to see what it is. My next step is to go back now and try and find it again to get better pictures. For me it’s fun, something that I really enjoy.
Category: Blogs
Oh La La
We did a shoot in November and this is just one of the pictures from that shoot. We got so many good ones that it’s hard to choose which ones to display. This is just one of many that I like. Kris and I have worked on several shoots together so you’ll see her many times on here. I was trying to come up with a better background but this is what I came up with.
November Shoot with Kris
These are a few pictures from the shoot that we did earlier this month. Kris and I have shot together many times and I really enjoy working with her. This is just one of the outfits that we shot that day so I decided to put them in a gif . This is my first attempt at making a gif, I just wanted to try something different.
Trying to Change up my style
I feel like I’m in a rut so I’ve been trying to change up how I normally do things. I’m trying out some different photoshop techniques and hope to start trying different shooting techniques too.
Houston Pride 2015
I went to the Houston Pride event today and had a good time. This is one of my favorite events to go to and take pictures because most of the people there enjoy having there pictures taken. There are all kinds of outfits being worn there, it was a lot of fun to walk around and enjoy the happenings. Here are some of my pictures from today.
Stupid Tweet
I really liked this tweet from Miesha Tate, hope ya’ll enjoy it too.
Sony HandyCam HDR-CX430V Camcorder | iLounge + Mac
Truly major innovations in camera hardware appear only once in a blue moon, which is the reason we’re excited about Sony’s Handycam HDR-CX430V ($700). As the most affordable Sony camcorder with Balanced Optical SteadyShot (BOSS)—a remarkable image stabilization technology that is all but impossible to include in slim smartphones or tablets—the HDR-CX430V re-justifies toting around a dedicated device for video recording.…
Source: Sony HandyCam HDR-CX430V Camcorder | iLounge + Mac
This is one of the cameras that I’m considering buying.
I’m Lucky to be Alive

There are 2 things that I enjoy photographing the most, people and wildlife. So I’m out in the woods today looking around when I looked down and saw this guy right next to me, about 3 to 4 inches away from me. I don’t know if I walked up to it or it slithered up to me but it was way too close for comfort. It looked like it was ready to strike but luckily it didn’t. We both got to live to see another day. I know I’m being a little dramatic but it really scared the crap out of me. Even though it wasn’t poisonous , the shear fright was almost enough the send me into cardiac arrest . Ever since last years close encounter with snakes, I almost stepped on one of them, I’ve been trying to be very cautious about where I step and where I go. If this keeps up, I’m bound to run into a poisonous one and my luck might just run out. I’m seriously thinking about giving up wildlife photography which would be such a big bummer to me. Snakes are everywhere and they’re so hard to see until I’m to close, I’m starting to get a serious phobia of snakes. I’ll probably have nightmares about them tonight.