I decided to go out and take some pictures at Discovery Green this past Sunday. I hadn’t been there in a very long time and I wanted to see the sculptures by Jorge Marin before they were gone. I’m glad I went, it turned out to be a fun day. And I met a really nice artist ( Jennifer Lang) and got a lot of pictures from around the park.
Hi, My name is Frank. I’ve enjoyed photography for a lot of years now and I like to take pictures of just about everything. A few years ago I decided to start photographing people, mainly women. So I placed a few ads offering my services and as a result of those ads I’ve had the opportunity to of worked with quite a few people over the years. After a while I began to notice that a lot of them would call me Mr. Frank instead of just Frank ( I think its because of my age). I liked it, so I decided to call this site Mr. Frank Photography.
As you can see by the softness of my eyes in the picture above, I’m a pretty easy going guy. My background is in computers but I had to retire a few years back. Since then, I’ve been a filmmaker, TV show producer and photographer among other things. I like trying new things and exploring what life has to offer. In everything I do, I try to have fun and to make the most of every situation. I’m a half-full kind of guy.
Check out these pictures: