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It’s a Chrysalis daddy.


When my kids were small they would always correct me if I called this a cocoon and I loved it. They would say ” it’s a chrysalis daddy” . They learned about butterflies in preschool at around the age of 3 or 4 and were always happy to correct me. It still brings a smile to my face till this day whenever I see one. This one looked so cool with the gold around it and on it. I thought it was fake at first.

Caught in Flight


I went to Herman park today with a friend that is thinking about buying himself a dslr camera and this is one of the pictures from our excursion. He used one of my other cameras and we walked around the park. It was fun.


This almost looks like a studio shoot but it’s not, it was taken at one of the gardens at Herman Park.


He found himself at the end of the road, I bet he wishes he had wings. lol

Cedar Waxwing


I went out birding again today and got this picture of a Cedar Waxwing. I think it came out real nice. They can be real tough to capture at times because they hop around a lot. Earlier this year I captured one in flight which is pretty.


Coming at Ya

Coming at Ya


Great Kiskadee

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One of my favorite pass times is to go out and take pictures of birds and things at the parks around Houston. It’s a lot easier said than done but I like the challenge. Today I got lucky and saw a bird that I hadn’t seen before. I first heard it’s call and then I was able to locate him. It was a Great Kiskadee. Even though it’s not the greatest picture in the world, I like it because I was able to capture him. Once I do get a picture, I go home and look him up to see what it is. My next step is to go back now and try and find it again to get better pictures. For me it’s fun, something that I really enjoy.