I work with both aspiring and established female models. Some of the models are just getting started and their first photoshoot is with me. While other models having been doing it for a while and are looking to expand their portfolios or want to work with me.
With composites I combine 2 or more images to create one picture. Composites take a lot of time to create in most cases but are kind of fun to do. I sometimes use this technique if I want to change the background of an image like in the picture to the left.
I also shoot people who aren’t aspiring to be models. Some of them are artist, actors or just people of who want to do a photoshoot. I am always looking for subjects to shoot and love it when they agree to do a shoot with me.
Most of the cosplay photos that I have are from people that I see at events but a few are from group photoshoots. I would like to do a lot more cosplay shoots and add more photos to my portfolio.
Sometimes I just take a picture of something that catches my eye or that I find interesting.
I go out just about every week and shoot at a park or some place. I really enjoy this type of photography too.